You may choose to give your Attorney full power to do anything that you could do yourself, OR you may choose to restrict the powers. It is entirely up to you.
Your Attorney does not own your property but is a trustee of your property.
Your Attorney is not allowed to make any changes to your Will.
Be Careful!
There are two types of Power of Attorney documents:
Enduring Power of Attorney;
2. Present & Enduring Power of Attorney;
Once signed, it takes effect immediately;
Gives the Attorney the power to deal with your assets and debts immediately after completion of the document AND will continue should you become mentally incapable of being able to manage your affairs.
What is an Advanced Health Care Directive (AHCD)?
Your Substitute Decision Maker:
Is not allowed to be a witness to your directive.
Has to be over 19 years of age;
Must accept the appointment in writing;
Must follow your instructions;
If you do not have instructions, then he/she must follow your wishes to the best of their knowledge;
If he/she does not know your wishes, then he/she must act in a way that he/she believes to be in your best interests; and
You can name more than one.
Benefits of an AHCD
Helps to make sure your wishes are followed when you can no longer decide for yourself.
Takes some pressure off of your family members who might otherwise have to make difficult decisions on your behalf.
Helps to reduce the fear that inappropriate or unwanted medical treatment will be used upon you as your illness progresses.
Will help to prevent conflicts over what treatment you should have.
Be Careful!
You should have the professional advice of a Lawyer to ensure that the correct terminology is used and that the directive is properly signed and witnessed.
In case of an emergency, a Health Care Provider does not have to search for your directive before giving treatment.
You should give a copy to your doctor, your Decision Maker and family
Keep a note with you that you have an Advance Health Care Directive.
Remember you may also state who you do not want to act as your Decision Maker.
Created and distributed by Melanie D. Flynn Law Office.
Please remember that the information provided in this document is not legal advice. Its purpose is only to provide general information. The facts of each case are different, so any questions should be directed to your lawyer.