Is Mediation Right For You?

What is Mediation?

A process where an impartial third party, called a mediator, helps parties in conflict to resolve, settle or transform their conflict. 


Three Main Goals of Mediation:

1.     To resolve or settle disputes; 

2.     To facilitate understanding, learning and growth; and 

3.     To restore relationships after they have been harmed. 


Fundamental Principle of Mediation?

The fundamental principle of the mediation process is self-determination and the power to choose your own destiny. Therefore, no resolution can be reached in a mediation unless all parties are in agreement. That’s what makes this such a unique and attractive process. Personally, I dislike giving other people control over my decisions, probably why I became an entrepreneur honestly. If you prefer to be independent and make your own decisions, mediation could be the best conflict resolution process for you.


Why Choose Mediation?

Unlike litigation, mediation allows you to stay in control of your own situation. In court you give up the decision-making authority to a judge, but a mediator does not have the power to make decisions for you. 


Is a Mediator Just Like a Referee?

No, but sometimes we play that role as well. We have to ensure that the mediation room, is a safe space for all involved, nobody gets to steamroll things, and we have to do that while also not taking sides. Mediators have expertise in conflict resolution and use a variety of tools and techniques to help parties resolve their disputes. A good mediator doesn’t just referee, they guide you through the conflict and help you to find solutions you can live with. Mediation has the flexibility to work with you to find solutions that are individually tailored to your needs while also offering a less formal structure than litigation. 


What Kinds of Issues Can Mediators Help With?

Lots of different issues, disagreements and conflicts can be dealt with in mediation. For example, family matters like separation and child custody/parenting schedules or even property boundary disputes can be mediated. To find out whether mediation is right for you and your situation, it’s best to contact a mediator to discuss whether mediation would be appropriate.


All in all, mediation is a brilliant alternative to traditional conflict resolution processes like litigation that could save you time and money. Contact us today to see if mediation is right for you.

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